Posts filed under: Life

2 Summer Skin Care Tips for Healthy Glowing Skin

Summer is all about healthy glowing skin, but even without the skin care challenges we find in winter, this doesn’t just magically come to most of us when the temperatures...

How to Spend Quality Time With Your Kids During the Busy Summer Months

If you are wondering how to spend quality time with your kids this summer, I have some solutions that I hope will help! I usually approach summer with so much...

5 Things to Pack for a Staycation that You’ve Never Thought of

If you’re making a list of things to pack for a staycation, you might have realized that it is trickier than it seems to decide what to bring. You know...

3 summer beauty hacks for the beach

When was the last time you looked for some summer beauty hacks for the beach? As mums, we’re always so focused on getting our kids’ stuff organised for beach outings...

10 after-school routine hacks to get it done quicker

It’s pretty easy to find help with family morning routines online, but what about your after-school routine? As much as you might look forward to seeing your kids after a...

How to refresh your spring wardrobe (without breaking the bank)

Planting a new garden with your kids isn’t the only fun springtime ritual to look forward to – the warmer weather also signals that it’s time to refresh your spring...

Why you have nothing to wear (and how to fix it)

If you’ve ever stood in front of an overstuffed closet wondering why you have nothing to wear, I can understand.  I can’t tell you how many times I used to...

5 easy steps to a tidier home

Raise your hand if you wish you had a tidier home. And raise your other hand if you wish your home would just magically get tidy on its own. Now...

Why you fail at saving, and how to change this today

If you feel like you fail at saving and are living from paycheck to paycheck, listen up! First of all, as much as I hate to use the word “fail”,...

Online schooling days schedule

Here I am, almost one year later, writing up another blog post with our covid-19 schedule, more specifically, an online schooling days schedule. Even though we are one year +...