Posts filed under: Life

Love your perfectly imperfect body

– Love your body- I recently posted a photo of me on social media wearing a bikini, showing my imperfections. It is the same one pictured on this blog post...

5 ways to make any room look instantly tidier

My quick tips will make any room look instantly tidier. I love a tidy house, but I love my slow lifestyle more! Although I am a perfectionist, nutter for order...

9 things you must do now to prepare for your family holiday

You know me, I like to prepare for my family holiday early on. And anything else for the matter. There’s a lot to think about, and leaving everything for the...

9 rules for domestic organisation bliss

Domestic organisation lends to a feeling of calm. Don’t you love walking into a room where everything is in place? Clutter creates a sense of stress, but the good news...

10 self-care practices I say yes to daily

Do you practice self-care daily? I know, life is hectic. So many people depend on you. Starting from that little human who calls your name tens of time a day,...

5 tips to help you stay focused

Losing focus is a natural process, and a useful one at that. The body is wired this way because at times, our attention needs to be deviated from whatever we...

How to choose the right shoes for your child

Buying your child shoes may seem as simple as ABC. While we often think through such decisions when the child is just learning how to walk, this decision often seems...

The one stress relief tactic you need to try RIGHT NOW

Stress relief. God knows, we all need it. You know that feeling you get when you have too many things running through your brain? To-do’s galore, little bits and pieces,...

Housework & little kids: the guide

While you may think housework & little kids is near-impossible, that my dear friend, it is not. Yes it takes more patience, strategy and a bit of a mindset shift,...

15 totally random facts you probably don’t know about me

I’m switching things up a little bit today. I take great joy in sharing all things practical with you; but I thought it would be fun to share a few...