
5 ways to help your child have a great day at school

5 ways to help your child have a great day at school A little thought goes a long way!  A few simple steps in the right direction can make your...

Scooting with Scootaheadz giveaway!

NOTE: This giveaway has now ended It’s giveaway time once again! I feel very lucky to be hitting another beautiful milestone – 1000 likes on the Mama Manual Facebook page! ...

Ask An Expert: Child Nutrition

Nutritionist & medical doctor Antonella Grima answers your questions about child nutrition Hello wonderful mamas! I do hope you are having a smashing week so far! Nutrition is one of...

Busy Mumpreneur Planner {free printable}

We all know, being a mama already screams ‘busy’.  Throw being an entrepreneur into the mix and ‘busy’ becomes an understatement!  The Mama Manual has created a ‘Busy Mumpreneur Planner’...

Friday habits for a stress-free weekend

Friday habits for a stress-free weekend As the week rolls on, the weekend looks more enticing than ever.  I can just about manage to get out of bed on a...

Punchbowl: eco friendly, time-saving, free party invites!

Punchbowl: eco friendly, time-saving, free party invites! Nina’s third birthday is just around the corner.  We are throwing her an intimate party at my mum’s house this year, mainly made...