Meal planning is one of my favourite things to discuss. And I know this meal planning tip is as easy as it is effective, so I am very excited to share!
Meal planning is often viewed as an annoying, repetitive task which can be frustrating to do. If you think about it, all you need is to jot down a few meals, but when you sit down to try and do the work your mind goes BLANK.
It goes like this: I browse the internet with a sort of plan until I declare defeat. I start looking at recipes so beautifully put together, they look like they’re a work of art. Can I recreate that? Not. Or perhaps, 20 years ago when I was child-less and had the luxury of being able to cook with wine (in hand I mean, not in the pan 😅 )
Has this ever happened to you? Because it sure as hell has happened to me. Many a time. Until I started using this easy meal planning tip I’m about to share with you. Here goes: have a go-to recipe list.
What is a go-to recipe list?
All families have a handful of recipes that when served, are gobbled up. Or let’s be realistic. Eaten with minimal grumbling (win!)
Either way, any recipe which you’re happy cooking, and everyone’s fairly happy eating should be classified as a go-to recipe in my books.
Uh-oh. I think we have a few…ummm…but I cannot remember what they are?
I won’t laugh. My memory is a good as a goldfish’s. If you’re not particularly practical with meal planning and getting dinner on the table quickly – yes, you will forget. Keep a notebook beside you. Chat with the kids. Speak to your husband. Call your mum, grandma, whoever you can think of. You’re bound to start getting your answers.
Now what?
Rejoice, because if you’ve managed to list 5-10 dishes which you’re alright with making, and the clan seem to be happy with eating – meal planning has just got a whole lot easier for you!
Now, everytime you meal plan make sure you plan to cook some of these dishes. Don’t feel guilty about repeating if you have to. It’s perfectly ok to eat the same dish once a week if everyone’s happy! That is a great alternative to stressing out over what to cook, for it not to be eaten anyway.
If you want to take it a step further, batch cook your go-to recipes. If you manage to triple or quadruple x1 dinner per week, you’ll be able to enjoy lots of free time. You’ll only need to cook from scratch 3-4 times a week! (This totally works – I see my members inside The Dinner Plan ace this system!)
Ready to take the next step?
This would be my Meal Planning Challenge.
Join us so you can create your own meal plan, with me, based on my easy, effortless system. You will be using my winning Meal Planning Workbook, that is a fill-in-the-blanks, plug & play system which you can use everytime you meal plan.
As we meal plan together, I will uncover all my secrets and the exact step by step I use myself to meal plan for my family.
Ready to take action? Put your name on the waitlist!
Get early access to the challenge AND when you join from the waitlist you will get my Meal Planning Templates Bundle for FREE.
What is the Meal Planning Template Bundle?
This Meal Planning Template Bundle is the solution to help you organise your meals effortlessly and streamline your cooking routine. It is a complete meal planning toolkit with templates that have been designed to help you get organised in the kitchen, so that you can save time and money, and make family dinnertimes easier.
Print and laminate the templates to reuse them as physical copies, or use them digitally on devices like an iPad or tablet with a stylus.

>> Get on the waitlist now! <<
I hope you enjoyed my wicked meal planning tip today. Try it! Happy meal planning my loves!
Nakita xxx
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