The below is a quick summary of what I discussed in the podcast episode.
For the full, tip-packed version, head on over and listen to the podcast!

I’m excited to share with you 45 fast and healthy snack ideas that are perfect for busy families.
Snacking plays a crucial role in maintaining energy levels and keeping hunger at bay, especially during those hectic days when time is limited. Whether you’re looking for grab-and-go options, one-minute prep snacks, or batch-prepared treats, this list has something for everyone.

1. Grab-and-Go Snacks

When you’re in a rush and need a quick bite, these grab-and-go snacks are perfect. Options like fresh fruit, nuts, yogurt, and rice or corn cakes provide a balance of nutrients to keep you satisfied throughout the day.

Here is the full list of grab-and-go snacks

  1. Fruit – fresh & dried
  2. Nuts
  3. Raisins
  4. Yoghurt – Natural is best
  5. Ricotta – buy these in single-portion sized pots
  6. Cottage cheese – again, buy in single-portion sized pots
  7. Cereal bars – look for the low sugar variety
  8. Rice or corn cakes
  9. Seeds – sunflower are my favourite
  10. Olives
  11. Wholegrain crackerbread
  12. Roasted chickpeas

2. One Minute Prep Snacks

For those moments when you have a minute to spare, whip up these quick and easy snacks. From apple slices with nut butter to celery sticks with hummus, these snacks are not only simple to prepare but also delicious and nutritious.

The full list of 1 minute prep snacks

  1. Greek yoghurt topped with fruit, nuts, chia seeds, coconut flakes.  Pick your favourite toppings.
  2. Apple slices with nut butter.  I prefer almond, but you can use peanut or any other too.
  3. Celery sticks with low-fat cream cheese or hummus.
  4. Cherry tomato & mozzarella ball kebab sticks.  I pop one of each onto a toothpick and indulge in a few of them.
  5. Carrot sticks dipped in hummus.
  6. Quick smoothie using fruit you’ve already prepared and frozen.  Makes for a great texture too!
  7. Maltese galletti (water biscuits), or crackers and cheese
  8. Half an avocado topped with a small tin of canned tuna
  9. Spicy avocado.  Sprinkle some salt and cayenne pepper onto an avocado half.
  10. Ham roll ups.  Take a slice of ham (preferably turkey or chicken), spread some cream cheese, and place a cucumber or bell pepper slice.  Roll up.
  11. Watermelon slices wrapped in parma ham.
  12. Wholegrain crackerbread topped with ricotta, a sprinkle of cinnamon and honey.
  13. Slice of brown toast topped with almond butter, banana slices & chia seeds.  You can top with honey or maple syrup.
  14. Multigrain crackers with spread avocado and a pinch of salt.
  15. Popcorn.  The microwave one works wonders.  Use a plain one if possible.
  16. Rice cake topped with almond butter (or any other nut), chopped dates, and mixed seeds.
  17. Dates stuffed with nut butter (drool)

2. Batch-Prepared Snacks

Planning ahead can save you time and ensure you always have a healthy snack on hand. Consider making boiled eggs, banana and oat cookies, vegetable crudités, egg casserole muffins, and more in advance to grab whenever hunger strikes.

The full list of batch-prepared snacks

  1. Boiled eggs.  Boil in bulk.  Peel, and once cool, wrap individually in foil.  You can store in the fridge for up to 7 days.
  2. Banana & oat cookies.  Combine 2 ripe bananas and 1 cup oats.  Mash and add in dried fruit, raisins, nuts or dark chocolate chips.  Bake for 20 minutes.  These freeze beautifully.
  3. Vegetable crudités.  Take some time to chop carrots, celery, bell pepper and cucumber into sticks.  They can be stored in the fridge for 2-3 days.  To keep them extra-fresh, wrap them in damp paper towels and place in ziplock bags in the fridge.
  4. Egg casserole muffins.  The same ingredients you would use for an omelette can be combined with eggs and poured into a muffin tin or muffin silicone cases.  Bake on gas mark 6 for 15 minutes.
  5. Edamame beans.  Boil, let them cool, and refrigerate for up to 3 days in an airtight container.
  6. Pancakes.  The 3 ingredient kind.  You need 1 large, ripe banana, 2 eggs, and a pinch of cinnamon.  Mash the banana, whisk the egg and cinnamon, and combine.  Heat a pan to a low to medium setting, and add a little coconut oil (or any other oil, butter or cooking spray).  Make them a little small, as they are flimsier than your traditional pancake.  These freeze very nicely.  I like to place a little piece of waxed paper in between every pancake, and freeze in a ziplock bag.


Having a list of go-to snacks can help you make healthier choices and avoid reaching for less nutritious options. By incorporating these 45 fast and healthy snack ideas into your routine, you can stay fueled and focused throughout the day.

Join me next week for an episode and blog post on stocking your fridge, pantry, and freezer with essential ingredients to support your snacking habits.

Happy Friday!


Nakita xxx

Links mentioned in this episode

In the meantime, feel free to download my list of healthy pantry essentials at www.themamamanual.com/pantrychecklists.