The below is a quick summary of what I discussed in the podcast episode.
For the full, tip-packed version, head on over and listen to the podcast!

Meal planning doesn’t have to be stressful or overwhelming. With the right strategies in place, you can create meal plans that cater to everyone in your family, from picky eaters to those with dietary restrictions.

Let’s explore five essential steps to help you streamline your meal planning process and make feeding your family a breeze.

1. Assess Your Family’s Preferences:

The first step in creating customized meal plans is to assess your family’s preferences. Take the time to sit down and write out what everyone loves to eat, as well as any allergies or intolerances that need to be considered. Get input from each family member to ensure that everyone’s tastes are taken into account. Knowing what your family enjoys will help you tailor your meal plans to suit their unique needs.

2. Brainstorm Meal Ideas:

Once you have assessed your family’s preferences, it’s time to brainstorm meal ideas that cater to everyone’s tastes. Consider dishes that can be adapted to accommodate dietary restrictions or picky eaters. Think about creative ways to incorporate ingredients that everyone enjoys, ensuring that each meal is a hit with the whole family. Keeping a list of meal ideas handy will make it easier to plan your weekly menu.

3. Check Your Pantry:

Before diving into meal planning, take a quick pantry check to ensure you have all the staples you need to bring your meal ideas to life. Keeping essential ingredients on hand will save you time and prevent last-minute grocery runs. Consider doing a pantry cleanout to declutter and organize your kitchen, making it easier to find ingredients when you need them.

4. Create Your Meal Plan:

With your family’s preferences, meal ideas, and pantry essentials in mind, it’s time to create your customized meal plan. Assign meals to each day of the week, taking into account your schedule and any planned activities. Include a variety of dishes to keep meals exciting and satisfying for everyone. By having a well-thought-out meal plan, you’ll save time and eliminate the stress of figuring out what to cook each day.

5. Prep Your Shopping List:

To ensure you have everything you need for your customized meal plan, keep a running shopping list that you can update as needed. Add items to your list as soon as you run out to avoid forgetting anything. Consider the specific ingredients required for each recipe in your meal plan and shop accordingly. When selecting stores to shop from, look for ones that cater to your family’s dietary needs to make grocery shopping a breeze.


Creating customized meal plans for your family’s unique needs doesn’t have to be challenging. By following these five steps, you can streamline the meal planning process and ensure that everyone in your family is well-fed and satisfied, without you having to stress out to get it right.

I hope this helps you immensely!



Links mentioned in this episode (The Dinner Plan – this closes TODAY!)

If you’re a busy working mom looking to simplify meal planning and cooking for your family, The Dinner Plan is the solution for you.

Offering inspiration with family-friendly recipes, this membership provides support and guidance to make meal planning easier, quicker, and more cost-effective.

By joining The Dinner Plan, you’ll have access to a supportive community in an active Facebook group, meal planning assistance, and free meal planning challenges throughout the year.

Plus, as a special bonus, if you sign up by the end of today, you’ll receive the recipe ebook ‘ONEders: Effortless Family Feasts in a Single Pan or Dish’ for free. This ebook features 15 mouth-watering family favorites tailored to different tastes and designed for minimal cleanup, making meal preparation a breeze. Sign up now at www.themamamanual.com/thedinnerplan and say goodbye to the stress of meal planning once and for all.

Get started with just €12 – there is no commitment, so come in and give it a shot. Doors close today at 11:59pm CEST.

>> Join The Dinner Plan here: www.themamamanual.com/thedinnerplan <<