Have you gotten into batch cooking yet? It’s a topic I discuss here a lot, but that’s only because there are just so many benefits! 

I mean, what mum among us doesn’t want to save time in the kitchen on our busiest days and save money by not having to buy unhealthy prepared meals and takeaway?

Who would say no to something that allows you to eat a varied diet that supports your health and wellness goals while minimizing waste? 

And who doesn’t love opening up the fridge or freezer to find healthy homemade meals ready to eat? 

So, yes, batch cooking is one of my favourite mum tips ever. And while one of its draws is how affordable it is and how easy it is to get started, there are a few things you should have on hand to make your batch cooking efforts easier. Here’s a look.

1. Large pot and pan

Since batch cooking often entails doubling or tripling something you were making anyway, you’re going to need a large pot and pan – and I mean really, really large.

I can’t tell you how many times I had to carefully transfer part of a pot of hot soup into another vessel halfway through cooking so I’d have enough room to add in lentils or some other bulky ingredient. Guess what? It’s messy. And soup is hot! So I eventually wised up and invested in bigger cookware, and it’s been a treat. Batch cooking is supposed to be efficient, and having the right pot or pan makes all the difference.

2. Even better: A large slow cooker

A large pot and pan are essential, but if you have the budget and space, I can’t recommend a large slow cooker highly enough. This genius appliance is the main reason my family doesn’t starve most days. It’s just so versatile and so perfect for batch cooking. Since it’s mostly hands-off, it is just so easy to start something in it while I’m batch cooking something else on the stove at the same time for the ultimate in multitasking!

3. Digital scales

I don’t mind making recipes where everything is listed in cups and tablespoons, but have you ever tried to triple a recipe involving measurements like 2 tablespoons of chili powder? It means you’re going to need to scoop the chili powder out 6 times, and all it takes is for Nina to suddenly come in the kitchen and ask a question for me to lose track of whether I was on the 4th or 5th tablespoon.

A digital scale a much quicker and more reliable way to measure ingredients when you’re batch cooking. It’s also useful for measuring out portions to save and freeze when you’re making something that’s hard to divide evenly by sight, like pizza dough.

4. Ziplock bags

Since the whole idea of batch cooking is having extra food to save, large zip lock bags are going to be your new best friend. Yes, there are other freezer-friendly food storage options out there, but zip lock bags fit so much better into your freezer. After filling them, you can lay them flat and stack them on shelves or in drawers, or you can bend them however you need to fit into whatever sad little space you have left in a packed freezer. 

5. A good plan

All the right equipment in the world isn’t going to do you much good if you don’t have a plan for your batch cooking. You really need to sit down and work out what you’re going to batch cook and how before you dive into it, or look for plans online. It’s the only way to make sure you have the right ingredients to make everything you need to make and save the right portions.

6. Recipes the family loves

If someone in your house isn’t a big fan of seafood, you still might be able to get away with sneaking in a fish dinner every once in a while if you pair it with sides they love. But when you’re batch cooking, you better make sure you’re making something everyone adores because they’ll be having it a few times in the coming weeks or months. I like to create a whole category for batch cooking meals my family loves in my recipe app so I can find inspiration easily when I need it.

7. A focus on simplicity

Finally, keep it simple. I know nothing about this sounds simple when you first start out, but the beauty of batch cooking lies in its simplicity. Remember: you’re cooking things you’d cook anyway, you’re just making more of them at once. Don’t overcomplicate it, and don’t let it overwhelm you. Approach it methodically, follow your plan, and look forward to all the nights you won’t have to cook thanks to the effort you’re making now!


…or maybe you are perfectly capable of batch cooking but you need help making it work better as part of a system. I teach my full process that is simplified and helps you do more in less time inside of Dinner in a Flash. What’s holding you back from joining? We spend so much money on insignificant stuff. This course will help you take control of your time, + your sanity.
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